Posted 7 years ago
(202 items)
I believe I finally found a Kralik. When I started this thread, Kralik was mentioned often. I truly wanted to find one I believe I have. I purchased it from a thrift for $3. So now I need to know, my Kralik experts is it a Kralik or not? Thanks for looking.
Lovely swirl pattern
Thanks Newfld.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Kralik never signed their glass like this. What I believe you do have is Poschinger production. It seems there was at some point, a bunch of Poschinger pieces signed this way by someone. There are many examples found in the marketplace.
Being Poschinger, it is still a nice piece of glass.
Thank Welzebub, I wasn't sure but I knew someone would be able to tell me. I will keep on looking. Thank you so much, interesting that they would sign that way. I will look up Poschinger. Thanks again!
Always glad to help.