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Seth Thomas?

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Seth Thomas Clocks40 of 282Seth Thomas  perennial clock setSeth Thomas Coca Cola Clock
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    Posted 7 years ago

    (2 items)

    Just wanting some info on this clock plesse. It is stamped 1968 on the back. I bought it for 2$. Worth the money?

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    1. Toyrebel Toyrebel, 7 years ago
      Definitely worth $2. Have you got a picture of the back you could upload?
    2. Loriscloset, 7 years ago
      Added some pictures
    3. SpiritBear, 7 years ago
      Seth Thomas ceased to exist in the 1930s, having been bought out by General Time Corps. I thought they discontinued the name by the mid 1960s. Where does it say Seth Thomas? It would have to be someone else capitalising on the image the old, then freed, name would bring to mind unless GTC brought it back again for some reason.
    4. Loriscloset, 7 years ago
      Seth thomas is on the face of the clock right above 6 o'clock

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