Posted 7 years ago
(516 items)
Not the more famous Kent State photo, but I was still very drawn to this original 1970 news photo of the Kent State Massacre taken by the same photographer, Jon Filo, moments before. There is not a date stamp as the San Francisco Chronicle where this originated from, like everyone else used the iconic photo and this was likely not published. The snipe on the back though, with no year mentioned, cements this as a Type 1 from 1970. Kent State massacre was very influential to me, I still don't trust the government.
Very powerful and tragic photo
The last sentence shows that you are a wise man.
I cant understand why you don't trust the goverment ....Don't you think they are looking out for you and they know better ...Lets be real here, they took a oath to serve and protect you ....and not sell out to the highest bidder ....or go on a power trip and think of themselves as gods I say, its your intrest they have in mind..... '-))
Consider yourself blessed, if you didn't pull the trigger on the 1st dead man you ever saw. The curse is, - it gets easier.
I just have to pop in on this and say your timing is impeccable!!!
We should never forget, it could happen again.
I was a college grad coming back from fla on my way to Michigan. We stopped at a rest area in Ohio and saw guardsmen actually drinking beer. My friend had long hair so we got the hell out of there. Later we heard what had happened.
So Coke1234, you were afraid of gov't. henchmen. I've noticed that when I visit the States, there is a paranoia around uniforms.
Last summer I Heard: The calling, 4 dead in Ohio ,how many more ?
Sadly Vynil, it's not in our hands.
I don’t really love this picture and wish it hadn’t happened. But we must not forget the past and sadly we are reliving it again. This isn’t the place for politics so I’m out.
Thank you all for your comments. I am a firm believer in history should never be forgotten and it is rewarding to collect things that can open dialog - something this country sadly lacks today.