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Victorian barley twist dressing mirror with inlay and barley twist

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    Posted 7 years ago

    (195 items)

    Hi, I just purchased this dressing mirror with inlay and barley twist possibly flame mahogany I believe this to be empire from 1840 but possibly Edwardia in 1920s it’s in rough condition shows lots of water marks and has some chips missing parts for the top trim and missing one front leg which I didn’t know this until after I purchased It measures approximately : 31” tall by 18” wide it has two drawers with inlay and dove tail construction also top drawer has dividers for jewelry and top drawers locks (currently missing it’s key) I would love to fix up refinish but don’t want to take away from it value I paid $20 and would like to know more about this thanks for taking the time to read.

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    1. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 7 years ago
      It looks mostly like Regency Revival style of about 1920's to even 30? with the base. Would have been nice to see whole dresser to confirm the style, but definitely much more Regency than Empire any day.
      Regency style is same time period of Empire, but English, not French. With a full dresser which this lacks you could probably easily date it more precisely.
    2. scottvez scottvez, 7 years ago
      Dovetailing looks early, but the large inlay on the top would make me think later.

      Can you add a photo of the back of the mirror and a drawer dovetail?

      I don't think you are going to do any value damage by working on the top and adding a foot.

      While it is made to sit on another piece of furniture and could have come with a short dresser, to me it appears to be stand alone-- I wouldn't consider it to lack a dresser.


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