Posted 7 years ago
(310 items)
I am not sure whether this is some kind of plastic or wood. It's been played with for the last 8 years by my grand kids so its really quite tough. Only by looking at the posts on Collectors Weely have i become interested in these items, so if any of you experts out there could enlighten me on what I've got I would be very grateful. Neil
Hi Valentino97. From the rough treatment it gets it is in a really good condition So I believe it is quite good quality. Perhaps I ought to take it from them, but I'd be classed as 'mean' and we dont want that do we. Ho ho
Mandy thanks Efesgirl, Jenni, aura, racer4four, valentino97, fortapache, Caperkid, Elizabethan, vetraio50 and Tassiedevil for your loves. Neil