Posted 7 years ago
(1 item)
I am trying to locate more information on this chair- general value and style. Sadly it was damaged by our movers and I'm looking for an equivalent rocker so I may offer up a valuation for insurance purposes. It broke at the rocker/leg joint (where green tape is) during the move, though it has had an older break near the arm/back. It was also chipped on the arm
What would it cost these days to be repaired/refinished?
Dimensions: Height: 40" x Depth (rocker base) 34" x Seat Depth 19" x Back 26"
It has been in my father's family for years - It was my grandfather's. I'm told it was made by hand (originally had a leather seat). We had recovered 50 years ago.
Rockers are easily obtained by your local auction. Most have little value, for the simple reason that no one collects them anymore. If you look on antique roadshow how values have gone down drastically on a lot of items is because of lack of interest. This has minimal value and it is in Regency style.