Posted 7 years ago
(202 items)
I found this at a thrift about 5 years ago. I purchased it for $3. I like the color and purchased it, that is when I discovered Blenko glass. The only problem I have is with dating. If anyone has an idea concerning the date, let me know.
Gorgeous amber glass
Thanks Newfld, it's thick, heavy and a nice addition to my Blenko family.
I know nothing about Blenko, I know I love your vase. I would think that it must have a wrought iron holder to balance this ??
No Phil, it sits on the base without any problems.
Oh and thank you, Phil! :-)
Many of Blenko's catalogs from the 1950s to the present day are on line at
Thanks Kevin, I took a look at the catalogs. I didn't even know the catalogs existed, great information. Thanks again!