Posted 7 years ago
(1203 items)
New today. One Etsy purchase and one thrift shop find. Not super happy with the color balance in these images, so I may redo these photos, but got "the slows" today so good for now.
The orange vase is 17 inches tall and the green vase is 18 inches tall.
I've been to the thrift shop where I got the green vase many times, but never noticed this sitting in the corner behind the checkout counter with fake flowers in it before, but guessing it has been sitting there since day one.
Got a good deal on the green vase and paid a high but not unreasonable price for the orange vase based on its rarity. The orange vase has a name and maybe pattern number, but have to do some research.
The colors look great together, nice find
They could swing glass so well!
The orange is indeed awesome, and I love the base of the green.
I have been sick, so missed this one. Love the green (as usual). What a good story, love those finds behind counters on the floor, or at the very end of the store on a low
@Newfld - Thanks! I love Viking colors.
@racer4fout - Agree! Viking made some great stuff that no other commercial American glass house could copy. I think the bases of these two pieces may be the same base.
@truthordare - Hope you are completely recovered! I like the stories, sometimes, as much as the piece.
Thanks for loving my Viking Glass pieces!
I redid the photos. Better, but may try one more time!
Belated thanks, AnnaB!
Thanks, PhilDMorris and Faith.k!