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Tiffin Glass satin green pierced edge footed bowl

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    Posted 7 years ago

    (1207 items)

    This thing is apparently much tougher than it looks. Four rows of holes in the lace but it is mint. It measures 6" high x 9" diameter x 3.5" foot. No markings. It has a bit more blue in it than my images show. Surprised it came out so green. The closest thing I can find to this is some old Imperial Glass stuff, but nothing exactly like this. This was $.50 at the local Habitat for Humanity Restore. It rings like a bell. They had a couple of nice pieces of Viking and some very well done etchings, too, that I may go back for tomorrow. Also found a tall version of Westmoreland's four sided beaded and paneled grape milk glass crimped bud vase 1314186, which I may post as there is an interesting story that comes with it. Will see if one is already posted on CW.

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    1. TallCakes TallCakes, 7 years ago
      Tiffin #310 (known as Open Work Edge and/or Pierced Edge) c1920s-30s
    2. kwqd kwqd, 7 years ago
      Thanks, TallCakes!
    3. truthordare truthordare, 7 years ago
      Yes, TallCakes our CW mavin for the American glass got it again. I'm a a Tiffin glass lover too, and this piece belongs to the early EAPG grouping with the Tiffin/US Glass stretch pieces, apparently, this decor is very popular. Here is a link with more pieces somebody gave me recently. Can't find it, but I will.
    4. truthordare truthordare, 7 years ago
      Found the link and page I was looking for this post's glass piece, line is called #310 which can be called Tiffin or U.S. Glass Company, as they were the same for a while.
    5. kwqd kwqd, 7 years ago
      Thanks truthordare! I'm retired (since 1 February), so don't have anything better to do than drive around to thrift shops looking for cool stuff. I try to only buy the coolest stuff so I am not killed someday in an avalanche of collectibles in my home. My days consist of morning chores/yoga/exercise, driving to thrift shops followed by a hike or bicycle ride.

      Thanks for the loves

    6. truthordare truthordare, 7 years ago
      kwqd, that is a hoot of a day. Sounds like retirement is going to be a breeze for you. We have been retired since 2000. Less active but still have many interests to occupy our days. :-)

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