Posted 7 years ago
(516 items)
This is the third of three in the Chicago find. "Would Napalm Covert You To Democracy" Protest Used Sign by Loyola University Students. Unlike the previous two, this is larger and professionally printed. A poignant and one might think effective message for the times. Printed by the "March 25th Peace Committee". I could not find any information on them other than they were in Chicago but when I researched the date found on Wikipedia that in 1966: March 25–26. Second Days of International Protest. Organized by the National Coordinating Committee to End the War in Vietnam, led by SANE, Women Strike for Peace, the Committee for Nonviolent Action and the SDS: 20,000 to 25,000 in New York alone, demonstrations also in Boston, Philadelphia, Washington, Chicago, Detroit, San Francisco, Oklahoma City. Abroad, in Ottawa, London, Oslo, Stockholm, Lyon, and Tokyo". So perhaps all three signs date from 1966...
"You will love democracy, or we will kill you".
Obviously you never sat in a jungle under fire. If you had, then watching napalm bombs falling would be like Christmas lights going on and off.
Actually, I've never witnessed napalm. Actually, I've never wanted to.