Posted 7 years ago
(367 items)
Welz "Harlequin Spatter" vase stands just 6 1/2" (16.4 cm) but it is loaded with vibrant color. The brightly colored spatter is clear cased over a white ground which makes the color pop. The top diameter is 3 3/4" (9 cm) and the unmarked base has a diameter of 2 1/2" (6.3 cm). It took a few minutes to find a shape confirmation but the big clue was the "Kunstglas" label. This label makes me think this piece was originally intended for sale in Germany.
Thanks Craig - I couldn't have done it without your help.
Love original labels! Is this a new label for Welz production? (I am aware of the FWK and Royal Art Glass labels). Perhaps you (or Welzebub) could elaborate for me???
I'm sure welzebub has loads of documentation - he is a contributor to this site as well -
Thanks for the link. So - not a new label, just new to me!!!!
The linked site above is not my site. The Kunstglass label is found on Welz production, but also, I believe, on other production. It is simply German for Artglass.
Gotta love a label!