Posted 7 years ago
(26 items)
Well, I found this coin in the back of one of my Mother's jewelry boxes. It is dated 1760. I tried to look it up to check its value but could not find one with a price. Also, I could not find one with St Thomas stamped across the center. Weird. Sorry I could not reduce the picture size of the back of the coin. Would appreciate any help I can get on this.
Coins from diff. countries were used throughout the colonies. Often when absorbed into the local currency, they were stamped with the name of the colony. I had an 188(?) French sou with a "Nevis" stamp on it. I believe these are worth a premium. Be nice to see the reverse side.
Added a picture of the back.
The site I looked at says it is a Spanish coin with "O" over "M" mint mark which indicates minted in Mexico. 8 Reales coin. The one I found doesn't have the St. Thomas stamp.
Thanks for the information. One person told me I had to weigh it to make sure it is real. I guess maybe he didn't think it was.
I found a coin exactly like it. Please contact me at