Posted 7 years ago
(3475 items)
These are clippings from the San Diego Reader and the LA Times. Also perhaps the San Diego Union Tribune. I have lost track. I went to both the concerts in the advertisements seen in photos 1 and 2. Photo #3 credits the LA Times for the photo but I think it was the Union/Tribune.
The way I described the first concert was if you went to church and God showed up. The concert started with the band coming down the aisle all playing drums from the back of the theater to the stage. I managed to touch Tony Levin and Peter Gabriel. Had I been crippled I would have been cured.
Second concert was at San Diego State University Open Aire theater. The tickets said rain or shine but the concert was postponed due to rain. Have no memory of the band The Call. I can remember almost every opening act I have ever seen. The highlight of this concert was an encore of Here Come the Flood. When Peter sang "When the rain come..." it started to rain.
Got a few more clippings and, stuff in my long lost folder of stuff mostly music related so stay tuned.
Sounds like a killer concert! Must have been an experience.
Awesome! 3 was the first Peter Gabriel album I bought. I went to see him years later on the "So" tour. What a performer!
Awesome! That is some great memorabilia. Peter Gabriel/Genesis one of my all time favs. Seen him many times but not on that tour. His concerts were always a incredible experience. Robert Fripp(King Crimson) used to play guitar for him in the late 70's but would always stay 'off stage'. Great stuff fortapache!
I had Peter Gabriel on a cassette tape when it came out. I played "And Through the Wire" so many times that the tape wore out thin and finally broke :)
Thank you very much Thomas.
Thank you very much Toyrebel. It was.
Thank you very much pebble. For some reason people don't seem know how good he is live.
Thank you very much iggy. I had a bootleg and you can clearly hear Fripp. I will do a post later about the King Crimson concerts from around the same time. Tony Levin was very busy.
Thank you very much buckethead. That was a classic album.
Thank you
Sledgehammer !!!
Thank you very much Trey. That is two votes for Sledgehammer.
Thank you nutsabotas6.
My hero. I'm mostly into indie rock these days but Genesis is still my favorite band of all time (and you know I'm talking about the Peter Gabriel era).
Thank you very much ShawnMarie. I was into the indie rock but now am back to Prog. Steve Hackett is playing the Gabriel era Genesis now.
Thank you Citroen71.
Thank you ShawnMarie.