Posted 14 years ago
(7 items)
Hello Everyone,
I acquired this map from an Estate Sale. It's In a really beautiful custom frame. From the little research I was able to do I believe it is a later interpretation of Nova totius terrarum orbis geographica ac hydrographica tabula? auct: Iud Hondio, or Hondius, Jodocus, 1594 or 5-1629. The original maps were of different coloring and the designs look earlier. Apparently this type of original map was very popular so it would make sense that it would be reinterpreted in later years. Jodocus Hondius designed maps on expeditions with Sir Frances Drake, the famous privateer of Queen Elizabeth I. Since I believe is is a later take on the original map, I do not know how to find who exactly created this one, or what it is made of. It is a type of gilded material or gold leaf that has impressions as if it was formed against a mold almost. I bought this from an estate sale in downtown Dallas from an old woman trying to sell all her property so she could move into her family's home. She had told me that this was her late husband's map. If any one has any additional information that could help me in identifying the maker, material or time period I would be much appreciative! Thank you for your time,
I have the sam map and was trying to find some information about it. Would appreciate any updates.
I just bought this map today at a Goodwill. My girlfriend and I have been examining it very closely and in the lower left section of the right hemisphere there is some type of water mark that we are trying to make out. Longitude line 30 passes right through it. Been googling forever and can't get a straight answer...
The water mark says bibliotheca du roi. This seems to be common, except that most of the water marks I've seen in pictures appear to have a reddish time to them and mine is more faint and just pressed into the foil. Also the measurement from what I can tell in the frame is about 16x21, larger than most of the ones I've seen.
I have the same map my Grand grandmother gave it to my father and my father to me, but I don't know anything about it. please any updates!?
I am glad to see other people are holding this map..Thought their was only two .I got this one with a Turquoise stone/)(///This map is SERIOUS/based on (past,present and future) purpose for Lector .I AM THE LECTOR of these books n anything from 6b.c. to now has been in synced to one
has any new information been found on this map. It's a beautiful piece I have a similar one on the back of mine there is a print reading: Alustyle
I have an immaculate copy of this map, but its a little different from the pictures. Yours seems to be missing the portraits in the corners and has a slightly different color scheme from mine. The hemispheres and the border art is otherwise very close. I guess there was multiple runs or differing makers?
I was with my dad when he bought it many years ago, and the seller at the art auction said it was a lithograph on gold foil. No marks on the back except for an old UPC sticker which is now faded, so I guess any marks on the back are probably from after they were made.
What I love about this map is how the hemispheres glow and "follow" you as you view them from different angles and perspectives; courtesy of the gold foil. The effect is almost mesmerizing.
I am seeking information on the 1630 Hondius world map as shown in the image. Please contact me at barrie(AT) if you have a copy of the map or information on it. I have only found 4 others - all with academic establishments.
I also have this map with the marking alustyle nr g41 been looking all over at articles can not find where it came from or who printed them ??????
Any new info would be greatly appreciated
I just bought an aecrage and found a map very similar to this with alustyle nr G40 stamped on the back. Any more info would be much appreciated!