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In Clocks > Mantel Clocks > Show & Tell and Clocks > Seth Thomas Clocks > Show & Tell.
Mantel Clocks98 of 716Antique Mantel ClockOronet clock
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WendyWeatherWendyWeather loves this.
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    Posted 7 years ago

    (230 items)

    I usually don't collect clocks but I stopped at a garage sale Sat and grabbed this 1930 Plymouth Clock because it was cheap and I love anything old. I cleaned it up some but it won't stay running so I'll have to take it apart and give it a good cleaning. I believe I read that these were made by Seth Thomas. Have fun collecting!

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    1. EJW-54 EJW-54, 7 years ago
      Thankyou Brunswick for taking the TIME :) and nice comment!
    2. EJW-54 EJW-54, 7 years ago
      Thanks for lookin and adding some love Toyrebel, fortapache, Brunswick, Newfld, vetraio50 , Caperkid, TassieDevil, officialfuel and pw-collector
    3. EJW-54 EJW-54, 6 years ago
      Thanks mikelv85 !

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