Posted 14 years ago
(12 items)
Hello....I have several vintage costume jewelry items from my Mother and Grandmother. Would like some expert opinions on them as far as value. Some of them, like this one pictured, I know the designer, and it is signed on the clasp. Others in the collection are not signed. I'd appreciate any help you can offer.
I have seen this set bring as much as $250.00 U.S. dollars but I have also seen it go for as little as $75.00. Just depends on the day I guess.
Thank you so much for all your comments....It's nice to hear from you and to learn more as I go along.
Stunning demi-parure! Schiapparelli is considered one of the top of the top designers for costume jewelry collectors. Your set has those eye-popping Watermelon Aurora Borealis Crystal Stones, which are also super desirable. Lovely heirloom.