Posted 7 years ago
(516 items)
Two 1960s Vietnam War Era Original Anti-War Protest Folk Art Painted on Fabric - perhaps Velvet? The better of the two posters is the Skull wearing a US Army Helmet with Ace of Spades in the band while smoking a butt with an iconic quote from an Edwin Starr song "WAR WHAT'S IT GOOD FOR? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING" covering the skull... and extending on the joint or cigarette.
The seller had found these in a box of old items <he> acquired at a local estate auction. They're both original hand painted artworks painted on a sort of old velvet cloth material. I don't know who made them or when, I would say the late 1960's, definitely during the Vietnam war era. The skull artwork measures 19 1/2" X 14", and the black peace artwork measures 18 1/2" X 13 1/2".
I just had a flash about what world governments need !! ADULT SUPERVISION ! Don't look at me ! I certainly don't qualify ! OK, so it needs a bit more thought.