Posted 7 years ago
(222 items)
I believe I got this Canadian Table Airplane Lamp circa 1950 sometime in March 2018. There was a large auction of memorabilia in Chilliwack B.C. and they also had a floor airplane ashtray stand.
These airplane ashtrays were only made in Canada for a short time in the late 40's to early 1950's. There are pics out there of the american made ones with 1939 worlds fair glass - but beware those were actually made in the 1990's from a guy in the states called Ric De Rico. These Canadian small ones were made for a very short time in about 1950 and VERY FEW were made, so finding one is tough ! The airplane wingspan is about 14 inches, and I usually keep a red bulb in the airplane which goes on and off, like an airplane in the sky !!~
What a handsome sleek plane Phil, and the base is gorgeous as well. Looks great next to your other fine pieces in last pic
Awesome Phil . Picture for the rocket looks awesome as well you should post it. The weekly Thursday auction in Chilliwack is a favourite of mine too.
Thanks Jenni, you are so nice for giving me a smile, I always go nuts for these airplanes !~
Thanks Eileen for your appreciation !~
That is to neat.I really like it.
Thanks Caperkid, I might post it, its actually a lighter.
Phil, this is such a cool lamp-love how the windows light up!
Thank you jbingham95 !~
Thanks Mrstyndall, love your comment !~
Thank you AnnaB !
Thank you rocker-sd, very appreciated !~
Thanks Hunterglee for the love !~
Thanks Vynil33 for the love !~
Thank you for the loves Caperkid, vetraio50, VioletOrange, buckethead, Efesgirl, blunderbuss2, kyratango, Toyrebel, Ms.CrystalShip, Brunswick, Hel1, Johnsmith, & Newfld !~
Thank you Hoot60, for the love !~