Posted 7 years ago
(1 item)
hi- i need help identifying this lamp. my contractor broke it and it needs to be replaced. if you can help provide any info like designer, the name, era, style, replacement value... i would be greatly appreciative.
my home has many interesting lamps and i'm sure there not cheap. same family owned it for 175 years and were a little eccentric.
any and all input is welcome and appreciated.
contractor is offering me $100 and will install the new lamp for free. i think he's crazy. please help.
I think he's crazy too...expecting you to accept that "offer" to fix *his* apparent negligence. <nono> I'm afraid I can't tell you anything about your light except that it is lovely - any mfr's info, if it has it, would probably be on a label inside of its ceiling bezel. To me its style looks kinda 1950's/60's but that's also a total guess.
Tell your contractor that he will *both* pay for your choice of new fixture *and* install it for free, then go pick out a nice replacement in the ~$2-300 price range, mebbe...? ;-) :-)
Is it just that the glass shade is broken or is there more damage? There are a lot of nice antique ceiling shades on ebay. You may even be able to find a similar shade. Search for "glass ceiling shade".
great points and ideas -
thank you for taking the time to help me.