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Ciner lion brooch

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    Posted 7 years ago

    (1507 items)

    This 3" goldtone lion brooch was love at first sight for me, with his sparkly golden rhinestone body, dark & light topaz mane and beautiful brown eyes. By Ciner, founded in 1931 but this mark is from the 50s-60s, they had many celebrity clients including Elizabeth Taylor who I could see loving this wild cat.
    For my Leo friend Lauren, hope you enjoy this

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    1. racer4four racer4four, 7 years ago
      Not very wild, looks very sweet :))
    2. jbingham95 jbingham95, 7 years ago
      That is to cute.Reminds me of my little dashound.
    3. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 7 years ago
      Pretty adorable, you do well with these finds !~
    4. TassieDevil TassieDevil, 7 years ago
      Soo cute Jenni, love him:-) )
    5. LaurenRedmond LaurenRedmond, 7 years ago
      But seriously, thanks for mentioning me....:P
    6. MyCountry MyCountry, 7 years ago
      really cute ....................
    7. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      Thanks Thomas for the cute comment, sorry I passed you by before haven't had much sleep today, grrr back at ya lol

      Many thanks for the luv
    8. Mrstyndall Mrstyndall, 7 years ago
      He is adorable-nice find, Jenni!
    9. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      Thank you Mary for the love and appreciation, I'm so glad you liked my lion
    10. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      Very grateful Anna for the love and appreciation, delighted that you enjoyed this Ciner lion brooch
    11. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      Thank you MyCountry for the love, glad you enjoyed this lion
    12. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      Very glad you liked my lion foseatme and thank you so much for the very kind love and support, it means alot
    13. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      Thanks lisa and officialfuel for the love and appreciation, it's very kind of you and glad you liked this lion
    14. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      Ken I hoped you would enjoy this Ciner lion, he is one of my favorite animal figurals & am so delighted that you love him, thank you for the kind words
    15. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      Many thanks ho2cultcha for the kind love and appreciation, glad you liked this lion
    16. jscott0363 jscott0363, 7 years ago
      WONDERFUL lion brooch Jenni!
    17. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      Thanks for the super compliment Scott, I thought this guy was pretty wonderful too, except he's quite a large & heavy piece a bit difficult for wearing, but great to look at! Appreciate the love my friend
    18. raven3766 raven3766, 7 years ago
      Oh my goodness, this is beautiful!
    19. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      Many thanks raven for the super compliment and the luv, really happy you loved this lion & very grateful for your thoughtfulness
    20. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      Thank you worthit2 for the kind love, so glad you enjoyed my little lion with his kingly mane, I sincerely appreciate it
    21. Roycroftbooksfromme1, 7 years ago
      so cute ...
    22. Alan2310 Alan2310, 7 years ago
      Adorable, nice find Jenny.
    23. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      Many thanks for your nice words and love Alan, I was so excited to find this lion and really glad you enjoyed him
    24. lentilka11, 7 years ago
      beautiful little kitten :)
    25. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      Thanks lentilka for the sweet compliment and love, it's very kind of you and I appreciate your thoughtfulness
    26. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      Thank you Vynil33rpm for the kind love, very glad you liked this lion
    27. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      Many thanks Roycroftbooks for your great compliment and the love, really appreciate your kind thoughtfulness

      Thank you Tigra for the love and support, so very pleased you enjoyed my lion
    28. Newfld Newfld, 11 months ago
      Thank you all for the love

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