Posted 7 years ago
(907 items)
I thought this was another Kralik rose bowl, even if it had a type of raised line pattern I'd not seen before. But now I have it I'm not so sure. The green is distinctly greyish, the frog isn't pressed out of one piece of metal and the mould lines are visible.......none of them things I'd have expected. It has four dimples, a nice gold iridescence and so I'll be keeping it......just not certain it's Kralik. All ideas welcome!
Diameter 13 cm./5 inches
smashing piece peggy and the cage sets it off beautifully
very nice piece indeed
all the very best malkey
Yes MALKEY, certainly best to avoid ones without the cage/frog. They look unfinished without and they're so difficult to buy.
Always good to hear from you, Peggy
It is indeed lovely Peggy. I just can't say it as well as Malkey!
A pleasing fluidity to this for the cages/frogs...there must be a secret horde of them somewhere...along with all the odd socks...
Hmmmmm, Karen, you've been known to wax lyrical too! does indeed have a look of the ocean to it.
Love the Frog too, and the Glass !!
Thank you, antiquerose, nice to hear from you :)