Posted 7 years ago
(3478 items)
Had a rare Saturday off so I had to find something worthy. Found a good car show in nearby Wrightwood. It's a n hour away but it takes about 30 minutes just to be someplace other than here so that is close. It along the same mountain range but I have never gotten over that way. Always good to go someplace new. It was about 250 cars and one where the cars couldn't leave until after the show is over. All classic cars and few lowered cars.
The selection here is from the 1950s and stock restorations I think.
First photo is a 56 Chevy Bel Air convertible. Next is a big black Cadillac, tough to beat that. Photo #3 is a pink T Bird. I prefer hood down photos. I think they should switch from open to closed every hour. I am not sure what the last one is but it has the classic two tone paint job.
Great cars & pix fort, I esp love the Caddy and pink Tbird - classic car shows are so much fun
Love 'em all.
Love 'em all. The last one is possibly a '47 or '48 Chevy. I had a '47 Fleetline Chevy in the 90's and that one pictured looks similar.
I agree with Toyrebel....a Fleetline Chev. If that is the stock grill.... it would be a '47 since it's lacking the vertical grill center bar.
Love the '56 shoebox :)
The T-bird is fantastic and so is the Caddy -- but I hope that red tag on its windshield is in fact, a big-ole *PARKING TICKET* that comes with a fine, for leaving such an otherwise gorgeous car sitting there with **those** ugly aftermarket wheels on it...??!! :-( :-( :-( <lol>
Funny....I've shown many cars from classics to full blown mods. Lots of money to have show winners. I give credit to those of spend time on their rides. My pet peeve was when a few spectators would look at the cars and be uneducated critics then hop in their mini van. Let the critics show me what they have......
Thank you very much Newfld. Fine choices.
And thank you very much Thomas.
Thank you very much Toyrebel and thanks for the ID.
Thank you very much buckethead, yes I love the shoeboxes too.
Thank you very much AnythingObscure. I was wondering about the wheels. I think that car is under construction and not done yet.
Thank you very much buckethead. That is a good point about the amount of work and money people put into their projects. I still wonder about the lowering thing on some cars though.
Thank you
Thank you AnnaB.
Thank you
Thank you nutsabotas6.
Thank you OLECODY.
Thank you bracken3.