Posted 6 years ago
(1 item)
Help please, I love these bottles I recieved from my father in law. I thought they were Fosteria Coin bud vases but I can't find any information that verifies that. I have searched under decanters , genie bottle and nothing comes up to a match. Any information or advice would be appreciated. Markings on the bottom are L and M with the m circled Thank you
Very common bud vases. I have several of these I paid $.25-$.50 for at thrift shops. Not sure I have seen green ones before, but not my favorite color, so I may have looked past them when I encountered them. Don't see the mark you mentioned in your images... Could it be TM for trademark? Fostoria coin glass typically has a design in the circles. Doubt that these are Fostoria. I would have thought Anchor Hocking, Indiana Glass or Hazel Atlas, but don't find any attribution on examples I find in a Google search.
check Wheaton Bullseye
Here is an example that the seller says is Wheaton Glass:!61701!US!-1
I also find some a bit different that sellers also say are Wheaton Glass:
Beautiful deep green color glass