Posted 7 years ago
(1207 items)
This is a Gulab silver ankle bracelet and two silver bangles. The bracelet is about 10.25" long and the bangles are about 2.5" in diameter. My ex was a dancer and she wore these when she performed and any other time she felt like it. She gifted these to me as I had always liked them and I later loaned them to a good friend of mine who was a belly dancer. She wore them in her performances for several years and returned them to me when she retired. These pieces have been on many dance floors in many exotic places! The bracelet may have originally been purchased in Thailand or Laos in the early 1970s. The ankle bracelet chimes from all of the small bells attached to it and the bracelets chime when they contact each other. Very musical. The bracelet is joined together using a screw that has a left hand thread. Here is a link to a performance by Delilah, who was a contemporary of my friend "Ayesha". Amazing dancer who I saw in live performances many times in the 1980s, still dancing, still ageless.. Unbelievable.
Several videos of her on YouTube, but the production value is not too good on some.
Thanks for loving these pieces
Thanks for your comment keramikos! Yes, it is Indian made. My ex was half Indian, a quarter Laotian and a quarter Thai. There is a large Indian presence, especially jewelers and merchants, in Thailand and there was in Laos when I was in the region until Vientiane fell in 1975. Not sure how that played out, afterward.
Thanks for loving my bracelet and bangles lentilka11!
Thanks Mrstyndall for loving my dancer's jewelry.