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Prehistoric Coprolite Fragment

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AnnaB's items9 of 85New York City Map - February 1961John Deere Garden Tractor 110 - c.1965
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    Posted 7 years ago

    (85 items)

    We got this "thing" at an estate sale last weekend. It looked interesting and unusual and feels very much like a very soft fossil...Is it a piece of fossilized dinosaur dropping?
    It was found along with a prehistoric tool (a chipped rock) among clutter of completely unrelated items, from plastic toy cars to vintage tools, bottles, junk jewelry, dishes, etc etc.
    Can someone please help me ID what this is? Thanks a million!

    *Mystery solved- Thank you fhrjr2!!

    Mystery Solved
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    1. Manikin Manikin, 7 years ago
      I don't know what it is Anna but will see if anyone does . I just stopped to say Hi and nice to you it has been awhile :-) Cool piece whatever it is .
    2. AnnaB AnnaB, 7 years ago
      Hi Mani, thanks for stopping by! It's sure not a doll, that much I know! LOL I actually just sent you an email, nothing important though. Happy to catch up too! =)
    3. fhrjr2 fhrjr2, 7 years ago
      The end view, pic #3 looks similar to coprolite. The only way to be sure is have it tested. Perhaps a local college would have the ability to test it.
    4. buckethead, 7 years ago
      A correct guess from me would be a chance of one in a million....I'll wait and see.... :)
    5. iggy iggy, 7 years ago
      A tooth of some kind?
    6. AnnaB AnnaB, 7 years ago
      fhrjr2, thanks so much for the lead. I looked up "coprolite"on the net, and I'm afraid, I'm a proud owner of a prehistoric piece of dung! LOL It has soft, chalk-like texture that easily marks and it's sizable- 7x5x1.5 and weighs 6.6 oz (and it's just a half of "it"). I don't suppose it's rare, I see there's a bunch of various prehistoric poop on ebay. I guess it will be added to our collection for variety =) I'll check to see if any local college would be able to help with my other questions, including "why does it have a triangle shape"?

      Buckethead =)

      iggy, i was so hoping it would be a tooth, but on the back of my mind i knew it wasn't. We have a few prehistoric shark teeth, and they are as hard as granite. This one is just way too soft.

      Mani, aura, fhrjr2, BB2, Jenni, Kurt, iggy- thank you, your loves are always appreciated!
    7. fhrjr2 fhrjr2, 7 years ago
      Your next question to be answered is what era did this come from. You will need professional help to date it. Give it hell.
    8. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 7 years ago
      Cannot comment, I went to the Brick a couple of years ago because they had similar rocks like this along the sides of entrance. The rocks are very light and perfect to put on my cactus dirt, framing the cactus ! Not saying this is the same.
    9. AnnaB AnnaB, 7 years ago
      fhr, yes, absolutely, that is the first thing to find out.

      Phil, if they ARE the same, then you know now what's framing your cactus ;)

      Roy, fortapache, valentino, Spirir, Anik- thanks so much for your loves, much appreciated!
    10. worthit2, 7 years ago
      Interesting find for sure!!
    11. Kenny123 Kenny123, 6 years ago
      Kinda looks like one I have

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