Posted 7 years ago
(5053 items)
I found this interesting wall pocket the other day and really love it! the nail is a super large one, so the pocket is pretty large and in perfect condition. I think it represents someone with smallpox - which is pretty bizarre! what do you think?
Really wonderful.
Nice wall pocket, looks like a Mayan god, the dots could be measles, pockmarks or just a pattern, also looks like a polynesian tiki face
Jenny I can't not see acne scars now!
I reckon a zygo in this would look great Ho2.
thanks Anik, Newfld, and racer!! a zygo?!
Schlumbergera - zygo cactus :)
ahh! thanks racer. i only grow california natives, so i'll probably plant something like Dudleya gnoma or an Echinocactus.
how come i can't add this to my mexican pottery collection?