Posted 7 years ago
(37 items)
Good weekend to all! So this time I am buying Chinese glass knowingly for a change! LOL. This Tittot amber glass dragon paperweight was a gift to a U.S. official from the Chinese government. Sharper detail can be achieved by using the lost wax casting method. Although now moulded and can be duplicated, the quality of glass is striking. Taiwan opened a museum in 1998 dedicated to Tittot glass. Hope you like it and thanks for stopping by :)
This is just gorgeous, I love the two headed dragon design - and how cool the glass can photograph both yellow and golden amber
Thanks Newfld for your luv and kind comments.
Sincere appreciation for the love. Annab, Anik, Adelec, Ho2cultcha, Keramikos, kwgd, and flasharue and for stopping by!