Posted 6 years ago
(1203 items)
My $8 rocking chair turned out to be made by the Heywood Brothers and Wakefield Company of Chicago, IL, a well known American company. It is birds eye maple with its original finish, no major damage and a partial original label. You see it as I found it. I haven't even dusted it yet.
Thanks for loving my rocking chair! Still trying to date it...
Thanks Caperkid!
Thank you Jenni!
I know this is an old thread but, today I picked up that exact chair from the side of the road. The label on the bottom says the same thing, except: New York, New York. I live in a suburb of NYC. I was wondering if you were able to date it. Thanks!
Nice find! My best guess would be 1930s- 1950s.
I appreciate the quick reply! Thank you.
I have an oval table with similar label. The Heywood Brothers - Wakefield Company became Heywood-Wakefield in 1921, so your chair was made before that date. It was not made before 1900, however, because all of the company's chairs before 1900 were made of wicker and/or rattan.
Thanks for that info!
Thanks for the information tassimo!
Thanks for loving my HW rocker! I love rockers and have two or three in most rooms of my house. I am moving to a new, larger house, so expect that number to grow, and now regret a couple that I passed up on over the years.
I have the same tag on a wicker vanity/desk with a number on it.
Heywood Brothers and Wakefield company 9302 Chicago. I cannot find anything on this.
Hi lotym,
You can google Heywood Wakefield and find a wiki page as well as other information on them. They started as separate companies ca. 1860s-70s, merged ca. 1890s, branched out from Massachusetts to have factories in Chicago and San Francisco...this particular label appears to be the earlier version (meaning probably before 1925)...because of the wicker and hardwood combination, I've decided my table was probably built between 1910 and 1920.
Thank you so much for your help on this!!!