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Spending the day with my uncle at the newspaper

All items60152 of 245631Vintage ashtrayEdouard Detaille Framed Art work on cloth, Unknown True age. Estate Find
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    Posted 7 years ago

    (3679 items)

    We were out looking for a story
    We grabbed a Coke and listening to the bottle radio
    When I ran into some of my
    stoned wheat ,French ,,,,, Friends !
    And for no particular reason
    we felt it was the season
    Will head down to Mexico
    this is me pushing my car across a river
    near the Guatemalan - Mexican border in 1975
    Well I’m not pushing ,I’m wearing a hat and Thinkin Bout it


    1. Vynil33rpm Vynil33rpm, 7 years ago
      Crackers ,, only need one ingredient !

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