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Paul McCartney for Eight Dollars ,1976 , how much for George Harrison in 1974 ?

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    Posted 7 years ago

    (3680 items)

    I remember when my cousin Zelmo Weinstein
    He said he wanted us to see a couple of giants
    This made perfect sense because he was a giant himself
    He told us that he himself was from a lost world
    And we also were from this Lost world
    He also told me that in my Wonder Lust youth
    I would look for this lost world
    I would search the rivers of Guatemala
    I wore white hat because I was a good Guy
    But he didn’t tell me

    I wouldn’t realize until much later in life , I had found the lost world
    And didn’t realize , like in the treasure of Sierra Madre
    Standing on golddon’t even know,,, thank you Walter Houston !


    1. fortapache fortapache, 7 years ago
      It's a Gentle Giant in a glass house.
    2. Vynil33rpm Vynil33rpm, 7 years ago
      Very good gentle giant knowledge Mr. Fort Apache
      Believe it or not it’s on ,,the top 100 must listen to records
      But you know this since ,that record is not in a Lost World to you

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