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Mottahedeh E Pluribus Unum Dresser Dish

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    Posted 7 years ago

    (5053 items)

    This is very finely done, as are all Mottahedeh pieces. Nice American eagle and if you look closely at the blue trim, there are butterflies in it. Made in Portugal. Maybe for the white house?! [wishful dreaming!]

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    1. Lata Lata, 7 years ago
      This is a Mottahedeh Diplomatic Eagle Trinket Dish, comissioned by US gov. to be used in Embassies around the world, some spaces of the State Dept, and also in the White House, I did some research on the logo of the Portuguese factory who produced it, and i could not find any information on it, so your wishfull dreaming can actually be real :)

      ps: other Mottahedeh pieces were also produced by the reputated Portuguese porcelain maker Vista Alegre:

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