Posted 7 years ago
(77 items)
Fall is fast approaching , I have been getting out my seasonal decorations and this is one of three glass pumpkins or gourds that I have ; a great large rectangle bowl to hold them & more I may come across . This glass piece is part of the Frutteria Series for Kosta Boda by Gunnel Sahlin 1989-1993 production years with Kosta Boda , it is a limited edition and is numbered 98917 on the flat broken vine end with artist signed etched and Kosta Boda sticker remains. It is a nice orange spatter with flecks of white & yellow in the body , then the stem end and top handle piece are done in a purple ; about 6" long and 4 1/2" diameter and hollow .
I like Sahlin's style. It's a premium bit of fruit!
Not sure where you got the idea this is a limited edition. It's standard production from the artist collection.
Cute little pumpkin! Just in time for Autumn!!
love that!!!