Posted 7 years ago
(1778 items)
Can anybody tell me what this thing is actually for/part of/etc. etc.??
I remember this item being around Mom & Dad's house the whole time I was growing up, where I claimed it in turn during their 'big downsize' a year or so ago. I've never known what it originally was, and don't believe Mom and Dad ever did either -- it was just 'a thing' that Mom had found somewhere and kept., which she occasionally used either as a 'trivet' to protect the dinner table from hot pans/dishes, or to hold up a flowerpot someplace. She's the one that painted it green, (many years ago) I don't know if it was painted before that or not.
It is indeed made of cast iron, with the number 79331 cast into its underside. (or at least I think that's the underside...??) I have no explanation for its unusual shape, its little 'legs' or the small hole in its flat surface.
Does ANYBODY recognize it as anything?? The only guesses I've ever come up with are a holder for an old flat iron (but those are usually more 'pointed' like the shape of an actual flat iron?) or maybe part of the top 'burners' of an old wood stove. (but again...that shape, and the odd holes in those are usually rectangular to accept a 'lifting tool'??) Could it have been something that went *inside* an old stove somewhere?? OR, maybe I'm completely lost in left field -- Mom and Dad both grew up on farms, so it could have easily come from somebody's barn too...part of an implement, or a tool...???
So, WHAT SAY YE, learned CW Members??? I'd love to hear all y'all's thoughts/ideas/info! PLEASE leave a comment if you have any suggestions, or even just plain guesses?!! :-) :-) :-)
EDIT, per keramikos' suggestion -- here are some more exact dimensions than the 'dollar bill' size reference in pic#1. The outer 'wings' to its flat surface are 4" wide, the 'round' portion in the middle is slightly smaller at 3-7/8" across. The overall length is just over 6", and its 'legs' make the entire piece stand just under 2" high. The 'round rim' on the underside is just under 1" deep and 1/4" thick. The small hole is 1/2" across its opening in the flat top, and has a radiused profile on the 'underside'. There is also the slightest bit of a 'ridge' at the midpoint of the edge of one of the 'wings' (but not the other) about an inch long and 1/16" thick. (visible if you look closely at the RH side of pic#1 and bottom of pic#3) Weight: about 2.5lbs.
The one hole models of these are especially rare.
THANKS SO MUCH to keramikos, blunderbuss2, racer4four, fortapache, jscott0363, Horseradishman1, and iggy for your kind comments and <love its>!!!
kera, I'm betting bb2 is just 'having fun'...which is just fine by me?!! :-) :-) :-)
bb2 just having fun?! what a surprise!