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A new collection set, Czech vanity orange swirl glass decor box and bottle

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LOUMANAL's loves103 of 1791Help with Identification of a Lalique Piece Loetz PN III-1821 cameo & cut glass vase ca. 1923
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (369 items)

    This was an interesting purchase. The pieces are small and the decor has been handled differently on the 2 items. We have discussed this decor a few weeks ago and a CW member explained that the lines found on the surface were made by a comb used to spread the added colored swirl in a zig zag fashion.

    The bottle has the vertical lines from the comb and the box does not. Perhaps the shape did not lend it self well to this process. A good example that tooling glass can vary in the same location, by the same glass craftsmen.

    The 3rd item, another bottle in the same shape but larger size. This one in the red peloton decor by Ruckl. I have also added 2 more boxes which I believe are Kralik. The images were meant for a cloudy day set up by a window, of course the sun had other ideas.

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    1. truthordare truthordare, 6 years ago
      Thank you Ken, means much to have your positive vibe here. :-)
    2. racer4four racer4four, 6 years ago
      They are very refined. I love the clear finial/stopper, such a clean contrast to the combed decor.
      Also, orange. Yum.
    3. truthordare truthordare, 6 years ago
      Thanks Karen, it one of those happy decors for me. Appreciate the words.

      Thank you CW members for all the loves. Makes it all worthwhile.

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