Posted 6 years ago
(1207 items)
This little covered dish measures 4.5" high x 5.5" long by 4" wide. I didn't find one of these on CW. I splurged on kukris and pistols this month, so reduced to scrounging through cupboards to find things to post on CW, though I think this is post-worthy. I've never seen a piece of Westmoreland glass with so many marks. I think it is a Westmoreland reissue of an old piece using the original molds, maybe not even Westmoreland's molds, but the Specialty Glass Company molds, which later became Westmoreland Specialty Glass Company. The top is marked with a 2 and base is marked with a 3 (original marks?). The later "W" over "G" mark used 1949-1984 on the inside of the lid (not shown) and the bottom of the base (not shown). Lastly, there is the "W" surrounded by "Westmoreland" mark used 1983-4 by the final owners of WG on the insides of the lid and base. There are also a couple of other marks I could not decipher. In mint condition. No idea where I found this as I have had it for maybe 20 years. It is known as the "mule eared rabbit dish" because the ears are so prominent.
Some more history and great pictures of the Westmoreland factory here:
Sad. Remains of Westmoreland Glass factory, youtube video 10/2017:
Beautiful bunny covered dish, love the sculpted milk glass
Oh, I truly do love this piece!! I seem to have a fascination about rabbits and hares:)
Thanks for sharing!!
@Jenni - I knew you would like the bunny dish! It IS nicely detailed.
@nutsabotas6- Thanks! Sometimes I get lucky!
@jscott0363 - Thanks! Westmoreland also made a really nice one where the bunny had laid back ears. I had one in purple slag but may cat broke the lid and I now use the bottom as a feeding dish for her.
Thanks for loving my bunny dish!
Thanks racer4four!
Thanks Toyrebel!
Added link to youtube video showing remains of Westmoreland Glass factory in 2017.
Thanks for loving the bunny dish Caperkid and Thomas!
beautiful one
Thank you for your comment and for clicking for my bunny on a box KinkiPlz!
Thanks for loving my Westmoreland rabbit lidded bowl Vynil33rpm and CindIndianapolis!
Thank you Hoot60!
Thanks vcal!