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Space-themed Colored Pencils

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    Posted 6 years ago

    (99 items)

    COLORIST colored pencils
    by the H. C. Kurz Co. in Germany
    from the late 1950s
    with an illustration of a spaceman
    making an interesting discovery.
    I was attracted by the colors on the box and because I was a colorist for Marvel Comics at the time.
    The box looked great on my studio wall.
    I would tell people that those were the actual pencils I used to color the comics.
    Some of them actually believed me!
    The close-up detail photo shows what the spaceman has discovered.
    A kind of full circle or 'infinity' thing, with him pictured ON a box of pencils while finding a box of pencils that he's appearing on!

    Mid-Century Modern
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    1. racer4four racer4four, 6 years ago
      So awesome.
      I, like most, love these period illustrations. The second spaceman has the correct degree of surprise in his posture, and look at the wheels and axles on the spaceship. Priceless!!
    2. Toyrebel Toyrebel, 6 years ago
      Killer SF art from the classic era. I love it!
    3. IronLace IronLace, 6 years ago
      Fantastic graphics! As an artist who also uses coloured pencils I have a side collection of interestingly packaged pencils & would love to get a set like this one!
    4. Vynil33rpm Vynil33rpm, 6 years ago
      Very nice my Friend ,,a smile is on the face of Sid the Mad Man as he Laughs
      Due to the official KooLness of the graphics

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