Posted 6 years ago
(1207 items)
I've been trying to cut back a bit due to other spending and the fear that I may be killed in my home in an avalanche of collectibles, but made the mistake of stopping by one thrift shop on my way to go hiking yesterday with dire results. For $3 and tax, after my veterans discount, I found the following items:
Blenko taper candle holders, 3.5" diameter x 2.25" high, still made in crystal by Blenko for $23 each:
I paid $.49 each
Westmoreland painted milk glass basket, 7" high x 2.75" wide x 4.75" long oval opening and 2.75" base diameter. Marked with W over G on bottom. Mint except for some paint loss around rim at base. These are selling for $10-$20 on ebay.
I paid $1.99.
Corning WWII navy watch mug, 3.5" high x 3.75" diameter. Supposedly made without handles so they could be used as hand warmers on ships. Often called "handwarmers". I had my coffee in this mug, this morning. I use a pour over filter and boiling water and I had to wait quite a while for the mug to cool down enough to hold it. These go for $20-$40 on ebay.
Great images of mugs in use:
I paid $.49 for this one. A bit of wear to the bottom.
Will do a separate post of any of these items, if anyone is interested.
Thanks for loving my menagerie!
You aren't the only one with an overflowing collection. But that doesn't stop me!
@fortapache - The thought of someday having to downsize is frightening!
@Thomas - It hasn't so far! Finally cooling down here to day after four or five straight days in the 90s. I like the heat, though. Most people here don't!
Thanks for loving my pile o' stuff! Really trying to love my Navy watch mug, but guess I just need a handle.. I like the idea of it, though!