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New Empire Bottling Co. / St. Louis, Mo

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TimeTraveller's loves1074 of 3833JIM & JEAN TYLER VASEEmpire Bottling Co. / New Empire Bottling Co
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (159 items)

    Empire Bottling Co. / New Empire Bottling Co.
    St. Louis, Mo
    An article in a 1934 newspaper tells me a J. Rizzuti has organized the New Empire Bottling Co. in doing business at 518 Robert Avenue.
    In 1934 & 1935 I find ads for NEBCO (New Empire Bottling Co.) and in1936 there is a New Empire Bottling Co. listed at the 518 W. Robert address.
    1938 listing is for Empire Bottling Co. at 2011 Gravois. (perhaps a typo by the directory?)
    1940 &1942, and 1946 listings for New Empire Bottling Co. at 2011 Gravois.

    Pic # 1 shows three variations of NEBCO bottles, all 8 oz. Dated 1935 & 1940 for the paper label version.
    Pic #2 shows two 10 oz., 1946 Lime Colas bottled by NEBCO
    Pic # 3 shows a 1947, 8 oz. Natural Set Up bottled by NEBCO
    Pic #4 shows a 1935 ad for NEBCO

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