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My dads barter!

loleeghm's items1 of 4Grandmas lampGift from my elderly friend.
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    Posted 7 years ago

    (4 items)

    My dad was an electrician and often did work on the barter system. This piece was from a dentist and I hav no idea what it is. All info will be gladly received! Thanks. Lora


    1. loleeghm loleeghm, 7 years ago
      It's about 2 feet long and I was told might hav something to do with X-rays? The picture I have it hanging for visual. No other info from me. Jst dads smile when he brought it home.
    2. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 6 years ago
      Hi Lora, what you have isn't a 'typical' electron tube (like those in old TV's, radios, etc) though it probably would qualify as an 'atypical' one by definition. I would go in the dentist direction, guessing it was once part of an early x-ray machine. The Wikipedia page for 'x-ray tube' seems to show one similar to yours:

      Hope this helps -- it's a *very cool* item, no matter what it is?!! :-) :-) :-)
    3. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 6 years ago
      "Enlightening" might be a stretch keramikos, but I'm happy to contribute a guess anyway?! ;-) Frankly, I don't know how I missed this when Lora first posted it?! Also gotta point out for the record that I'm nobody's expert on antique x-ray machines, probably never having actually seen one at all -- but it does seem sensible enough that something like this would be inside them to make them work...? [also fun to ponder, how hazardous/lethal such machines would now likely be considered, by *today's* standards...? <lol>] When first looking at the pics I was going to guess some part of a 'medical quackery' device from way back when, but a few clicks after reading Lora's x-ray suggestion seemed to quickly narrow its (potential) purpose.

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