Posted 6 years ago
(1203 items)
This Blenko Art Glass Company bowl is known as both a scalloped bowl and as a lotus petal bowl by collectors. It measures 10.5" in diameter and 4.5" high and has 14 petals. It is often confused with the very similar Indiana Glass Company scalloped bowl, which is also known as a scalloped or lotus petal bowl by collectors. Blenko still makes their bowl and it is described as a scalloped bowl on their web site. The Indiana Glass bowl has 12 petals. Blenko also makes a smaller set of bowls with fewer petals as did Indiana Glass Company. I sometimes see bowls of this size with an odd number of petals, not 12 or 14, and suspect that Blenko's bowls may have been a bit more diverse, i.e., more petals, but I have never seen a Blenko bowl with 12 petals. I am also posting an Indiana Glass Company bowl for comparison. For years I had what I thought was my Indiana Glass bowl out and my Blenko bowl stored, since the Blenko bowl is a bit pricier, but took a second look today and realized that I had the Blenko bowl out and the Indiana Glass bowl tucked away!
Thanks vetrsio50 and Watchsearcher!
Thanks for loving my Blenko bowl!
Thanks fortapache!
Thanks racer4four!
It is Blenko's 125th anniversary and they are one of few remaining American art glass manufacturers making hand made glass. They almost went out of business a few years ago. Blenko is also seeking donations to assist in expanding their museum. Blenko has put many catalogs on line to aid researchers, as well.