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Richelieu kitten with ball brooch

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    Posted 6 years ago

    (1507 items)

    This 2"W goldtone brooch is shaped like a playful kitten, with rhinestone eyes and a large round faux pearl ball of yarn. By Richelieu (1911-2003), a Joseph Meyer co. known for their cultured pearls, this mark dates pre-1964

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    1. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 6 years ago
      Nice find !~
    2. Vynil33rpm Vynil33rpm, 6 years ago
      KooL Kat !
    3. Tigra, 6 years ago
      Pretty kitty! ;)
    4. LaurenRedmond LaurenRedmond, 6 years ago
      Awh this is so sweet! Reminds me of the time I 'adopted' a friendly neighbourhood cat as a kid and he found my grandmother's knitting wool and completely MURDERED it!
    5. Caperkid, 6 years ago
      Too cute!
    6. Mrstyndall Mrstyndall, 6 years ago
      Great condition for age!
    7. Newfld Newfld, 6 years ago
      Thank you Judy for loving my kitty & his big pearl ball, you're really kind and I'm always grateful for your thoughtfulness
    8. Newfld Newfld, 6 years ago
      Very glad you enjoyed my big eyed kitty Mary, thank you so much for the love and support
    9. clockerman clockerman, 6 years ago
      That's a very cute kitty cat love it
    10. Newfld Newfld, 6 years ago
      Thank you clockerman for the very kind compliment, really glad you enjoyed this kitty & very grateful for the love

      Many thanks Sean for the luv & support, its always most appreciated
    11. Roycroftbooksfromme1, 6 years ago
      cute, cute, cute ....smiling
    12. Newfld Newfld, 6 years ago
      Thanks Roycroft, glad this little kitten brought a smile, and really appreciate your great compliment

      Many thanks for the love
    13. Newfld Newfld, 6 years ago
      Thank you very much Sean for the kind love and support
    14. Newfld Newfld, 6 years ago
      Many thanks Anna and daikon for the love, very much appreciated and glad you enjoyed this kitty
    15. antiquerose antiquerose, 6 years ago
      Awwwwwwwwwww.......just so dang CUTE !!
    16. Newfld Newfld, 6 years ago
      Thanks Rose for the sweet compliment on his cuteness and the love, you're so nice and I appreciate it ever so much
    17. Caperkid, 6 years ago
      Just got back and missed my cat so much. Lol this piece makes me smile!
    18. Newfld Newfld, 6 years ago
      Roy I sure get that, it's like a withdrawal without our pets, bet kitty missed you too! Glad to bring a smile :) luv J
    19. Newfld Newfld, 3 months ago
      Thank you all for the kitten love

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