Posted 6 years ago
(940 items)
My 8th Richardson's tulip arrived today! This one has yellow & white stripes on a uranium yellow base.
And it looks right at home in my garden...with all the flowers of Spring to welcome it, including real tulips!
The Richardson tulip was made in England circa 1880s - 1890s.
Gorgeous, like spring in the mountains :)
fresh in deep wood clearing piercing velvet carpet the flowers emerge with new beginnings
fab my ironlace a joy to view !!!!!!!!
Many thanks, racer! Yes, I'm living the "high life" at long last! :-)
Cheers, MALKEY, & so beautifully said, yes it is indeed a new beginning in many ways...
It looks great among the tulips!
Wow, beautiful-looks great in your garden!
Thanks so much, Ivonne!
Thanks also, Mrstyndall!