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Scissors and Shears40 of 155Unidentified tool maker?? HelpPlease help with identifying these shears
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (2 items)

    Does anyone know what this tool was used for? It measures approximately 6 inches long and has only one cutting edge. The bottom jaw has a groove which the blade rests in when not in use. I tried using it, but with only one sharp edge, it doesn't seem capable of cutting anything.

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    1. UncleRon UncleRon, 6 years ago
      It looks like a very plain betel nut cutter. Could well be something else.
    2. mrkhppmnn, 6 years ago
      Thank You! I googled betel nut cutter and found one just like it. Compared to others, it is very plain indeed. I am wondering if the handles were once wrapped in rattan like many asian scissors.

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