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Vintage NATIVE CUFF BRACELET - Sterling Silver & Blood Coral ( YAZZIE made )

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Cuff Bracelets15 of 53Silver Cuff Bracelet with old Dutch Silver Import MarkVintage Art Nouveau Sterling Cuff bracelet, Early 20 century
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (1467 items)

    Hi CW Gang ~

    Bought this yesterday as they were just at the till putting some new stuff out, so I grabbed it right there. From what I can find out it is a Native American Indian Sterling Silver Cuff Bracelet with Indian Blood Coral stones in it. It is double marked in the band with STERLING SILVER TWICE. There is also a "Y" stamp between those sterling words. Now I gfoogled that and found it to be a YAZZIE piece, but there are several makers from this family. I am guessing ?????? maybe it is CELINA YAZZIE or MARK YAZZIE as I see there is lots of them - but I do not know. Not sure of age, but I think it has some.

    Thanks for LOOKING // LOVING !!

    ~ Rose ~

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    1. CanyonRoad, 6 years ago
      Just a word of warning. I wouldn't rely on the internet in "researching" this. Yazzie is a very common name among the Navajo. There is no one Yazzie family, there are many, and unrelated. Barton Wright's "Hallmarks of the Southwest" lists some 55 Navajo jewelry artists with that last name...and none of them use just a "Y" as a hallmark. Same with Gregory Schaaf's "American Indian Jewelry, 1200 Artist Biographies." Neither lists a Celinea Yazzie. And this doesn't look like the work of Mark Yazzie (listed in Schaaf, but not in Wright.)

      There is a "Y" hallmark used by Navajo jewelry maker Yazzie Johnson, (not "Johnson Yazzie," as claimed on some web sites) but it's in a different font. Gail Bird, who works with Yazzie Johnson, also used a "Y" similar to the mark on your bracelet, but this bracelet doesn't really look like the work of either of them.

      Maybe, though, you'll get lucky and someone will see this who can positively identify it.

    2. antiquerose antiquerose, 6 years ago
      Thanks Canyon Road !! You know more than me on this topic that is for sure !! I was looking at this when I thought it might be Celina Yazzie
      Navajo ( I had spelt Celina as .....Celinea ) no "e" at the end of it

      I thought it looked like that mark but so hard to tell....
    3. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 6 years ago
      Your pics are great Rose, looks like a fantastic find, you know how to "grab" them !~
    4. Newfld Newfld, 6 years ago
      Beautiful cuff bracelet
    5. Mrstyndall Mrstyndall, 6 years ago
      Nice piece!
    6. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 6 years ago
      Hiya Rose! How you Bean??? Canyon Road is exactly right on that. There's a gazillion Yazzie's, like Smith and Jones or Morales and Gonzales. I love this anyway and I'm not positive what era it was when they started using the sawn, rounded bezel but I have a feeling it was sometime after the 80's, could be 90's too. It really nice, thick gauge too. Great find!
    7. antiquerose antiquerose, 6 years ago
      Somethings similar here for a few dollars

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