Posted 14 years ago
(1 item)
This is a telephone manufactured by the National Automatic Telephone Company of Chicago,, Illinois in 1901. It's interesting because it has a pointer type of mechanism, not a dial. We found this phone at an estate sale in our tiny rural town in Minnesota. Does anyone know anything about this company? I read about it in Ron Knappen's book, but the information was scarce.
Thanks, Val
AntiquePho, I have one of these National Automatic Telephones. What I have found out is: The National Automatic Telephone Co was founded in 1897 in Salina, KS. The company was both manufacture and assembler. They used Chicago Telephone Co parts, but had there own unique hookswitch design. They used a simple dial unit which could not compete with the Strowger dial. In 1901 National Automatic Telephone Co sold out to Globe Automatic who in turn went out of business in 1911. There is a National Automatic Telephone display at the Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph pioneers museum in Lincoln, Nebraska. You can contact me at
I have an unusual phone in a box. Never saw one like it !! I will post it so you can see it Later!! Have not located it yet!! (too much STUFF!!)