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Trash Rescues- Vintage Toys 1970s?

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Toys1752 of 5704Gescha Racing CarBachmann Mini-Planes SPAD XIII Circa 1970
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (85 items)

    This cute lot was rescued from the side of the road back in spring during the town clean-up sad.
    I think they look to be from the 1970s era, but I'm not sure. Does anyone recognize any of these characters?

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    1. Johnsmith Johnsmith, 6 years ago
      Lamb Chop
    2. Newfld Newfld, 6 years ago
      They are all so sweet, the puppies, teddies & even the cute beach ball. It IS very sad that they were tossed away, & wonderful of you to rescue them Anna. My husband gave me several plush toys when we were dating & I keep them in little clear cases or vinyl bags
    3. kwqd kwqd, 6 years ago
      Lamb Chop was my first thought, too.
    4. JenniferH JenniferH, 6 years ago
      My favorite is how you have them posed! that a daschund with it’s ear on the ball? So adorable!
    5. AnnaB AnnaB, 6 years ago
      Roy, Jennifer, Tassie, Recordmantime, kwqd, vetra, Jenni, Toyrebel, Johnsmith- thank you for stopping by and your loves.
      John, kwqd- i checked the site, there's a lot of resemblance, but this one is just a regular stuffed animal.
      Jenni, this is so sweet of you, i know how precious these gifts are! =) I think what happens when toys end up in a garbage bin is that someone who had a sentimental attachment to them is no longer around to continue holding on to them, and to others they are disposable.
      Jennifer, thank you for your cute comment! I didn't intend it like that, it just happened =)
    6. fortapache fortapache, 6 years ago
      A loveable bunch.
    7. AnnaB AnnaB, 6 years ago
      Fortapache, yes, indeed =) thank you for your love and stopping by!
      Passion4Cameos, thank you as well for stopping by and your appreciation.
    8. daikon daikon, 6 years ago
      i love the two lambs! so cute! you're lucky to have gotten these guys! :D
    9. mrskdeville777, 5 years ago
      Do you still have the teddy between the 2 LAMBS? Does it have a TAG? I have one just like him and am looking for his brand. Thank you so much.

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