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Saturday Night Fever

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    Posted 6 years ago

    (41 items)

    I am so pleased I found this. I think this pretty much started the disco frenzy. Remember JT in that white suite and the dance floor with those insane lights...

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    1. Caperkid, 6 years ago
      Thanks I'll be humming Night Fever all-day. Lol Definitely the most recognisable disco group. Still have KC and the SSB and Abba on my playlists.
    2. Vynil33rpm Vynil33rpm, 6 years ago
      Staying alive
    3. JenniferH JenniferH, 6 years ago
      I wonder if there is any place in the world that still has that kind of dance floor.
    4. Vynil33rpm Vynil33rpm, 6 years ago
      I’ll bet in a small village in China
    5. Toyrebel Toyrebel, 6 years ago
      I remember those boogie days well.
    6. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 6 years ago
      Still have my copy, I thought his "learned for a movie dancing" was so staged, and I seen better dancers at the disco's, but then also have to realize the late mid 70's was still a real early time for disco !~
    7. JenniferH JenniferH, 6 years ago
      Well I get it..we all have our favorites or not..BUT I challenge any one of you who claims they can be still when “If I can’t have you” plays while in the grocery store!!

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