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Butler Brothers Catalog Ad - A potential source for Czech glass exports ID

In Art Glass > Bohemian Art Glass > Show & Tell.
Bohemian Art Glass1443 of 6681Kralik Glue Chip Knuckle BowlFritz Heckert Long-Necked 'Changeant' Vase in Yellow with Green Threading
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (369 items)

    These images of the export Czech glass decorative items of late 1920s to early 1930s were put together in 2012 by Tom Felt in Monograph 121, for our use, the Czech glass collectors.

    It's an interesting identification tool, the general approach by BB was to group the same producer's glass together in large assortments, and even smaller groups of 2 to 4 pieces. Like most practices there were exceptions. Recently Tom Felt of The West Virginia Museum of American Glass Ltd., stated that he still considers the BB assortments to be by the same producer with few exceptions, this was after I found one of those BB exception, a multi American glass producer ad in the "Fenton book, the first 25 years", and asked him about it.

    I know since 2012, many of us have studied the pages of export glass shown and advertised. It has been satisfying to be able to match some pieces to a producer, and also frustrating when some glass pieces shown have never been found.

    I am posting 4 examples of groups and assortments. Which I think all belong to one glass house, yet I do believe this was not 100% consistent, where a few ads might be a mix, you can see they used a cut and paste approach to illustrate the glass items advertised, it would not be difficult to assemble an ad with some pieces that were from different companies, due to some extra glass items not selling well alone, or a change in prices during the depression years, putting together more economical offers. Those very large assortments, which we only see a small portion of.

    These attributions are my own, and do not necessarily agree with other collector's opinions.

    Image 1 - Kralik assortment
    Image 2 - Left group of two - Kralik
    Right group of two - Ruckl
    Image 3 - Group of four - Kralik
    Image 4 - Partial group of two, showing one item - Kralik

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    1. JenniferH JenniferH, 6 years ago
      Thanks for sharing this truthordare. I love reading about this and seeing the pictures. Can you imagine finding a crate of these? Inspires me to leave no crate unturned at any barn sale! We can all have dreams...
    2. truthordare truthordare, 6 years ago
      Thank you for the loves, the like and fine comment CW members, always appreciated.

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