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Victorian Satin Opaline Dresser Set Bottle

In Victorian Era > Show & Tell.
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (369 items)

    One of the nicest aspects of CW is to see another post with an item similar to your's, and in the process of answering their question you also discover what you have, even if it has been sitting for years with no identification.

    So, it seems we both have antique Victorian very fine French? opaline glass with a mix of glossy and satin finish vanity bottle without their stoppers. As well as gilt bands, with hand painted enamel flower garlands and rows of dots. There is a rough pontil and a black enamel number .24 for mine on the base.

    The enamel decor had worn off, someone decided to restore with glossy pink nail polish, something that is sadly permanent. It measures 8 inches high.

    Here is the post I am talking about by freiheit.

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    1. freiheit freiheit, 6 years ago
      Thanks so much for sharing!
    2. Newfld Newfld, 6 years ago
      Such a gorgeous dresser bottle, love the pastel coloring and petite cherry blossom type florals

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