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Lladro "Couple Of Doves" Figurine on a Black Forest Carved Shelf

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    Posted 6 years ago

    (222 items)

    Years ago.......I was driving through a nice neighborhood and it was trash pickup day. I came across a very obvious heap of nice lamps and boxes full of cool stuff. I just left about half of the stuff (trash) and went home to find that it was wedding gifts and photos of a broken marriage. In this stuff I found this Lladro "Couple Of Doves" figurine in it's original box with gift wrap still taped to it. I recently found an antique carved shelf that needed something on it and here it now sits by my front door. I also found a silver-plated water pitcher and wedding frame and a bunch of steroids with a receipt for over $300. for the purchase of the body building drugs. I just left that for the trash man.

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